These are the varieties of black currants we offer as hardwood cuttings in bundles of 5:
Ben Alderman - H: 3-5ft, W: 3-5ft, Sun: Part to full, Fruit: Medium size tart black berries that ripen in July. Note: Variety was developed in Scotland. Partially self pollinating, but should be planted with another black currant variety for best pollination, Zone: 3-8.
Lewis R - H: 3-6 ft, W: 3-6 ft, Sun: Part to full, Fruit: Black berries that ripen in July. Note: An introduction by Elmore Roots. Partially self-pollinating but should be planted with another black currant variety for best pollination, Zone: 3-8.
Minaj Smyriou - H: 3-5 ft, W: 3-5 ft, Sun: Part to full, Fruit: A mild flavored black currant that ripen in July. Note: Resistant to white pine blister rust and mildew. Needs heavy pruning! Developed in Bulgaria. Self-pollinating but should be planted with another black currant variety for best pollination, Zone: 3-8.
Prince Consort - H: 4-5 ft, W: 3-6 ft, Sun: Part to full, Fruit: Medium size tart fruit that ripen in July. Note: Developed in Ottawa, Canada. Partially self-pollinating but should be planted with another black currant variety for best pollination, Zone: 3-7.
Slitsa - H: 3-5 ft, W: N/A, Sun: Part to full, Fruit: Sweet large berries that ripen in July. Note: Earliest black currant to ripen and developed in Holland. Partially self-pollinating but should be planted with another black currant variety for best pollination, Zone: 3-9.
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Address: 2761 Yorski Rd, Bradford, NY 14815
PH: 607-583-2467
Open by appointment year round
Excluding Sales Tax
Out of Stock
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