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These are the varieties of St. Johnswort which we offer in 3.5/4.5 inch pot:


Common - H: 1-3 ft, W: N/A, Sun: Part to full, Zone: 3-8, Description: Small shrub with red stems, blue/green oval leaves, and yellow flowers. Uses: Medicinal, and you must refer to an herbalist for proper use. Note: Flowers, leaves, seeds, and stems of plants can cause irritations and lesions on the skin. Also, plants are poisonous to livestock, especially cattle and horses. The plant is also native to Asia, Europe and Northern Africa. 

Topas - H: 1-3 ft, W: N/A, Sun: Part to full, Zone: 3-8, Description: Small shrub with red stems, blue/green oval leaves, and yellow flowers. Uses: Medicinal, and you must refer to an herbalist for proper use. Note: This variety was developed for commercial production and has a higher content of the medicinal compound hypericin. Flowers, leaves, seeds, and stems of plants can cause irritations and lesions on the skin. Also, plants are poisonous to livestock, especially cattle and horses. The plant is also native to Asia, Europe and Northern Africa.


Plants are available for pickup and shipping between May 31st and October 31st.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Excluding Sales Tax
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