These are the following varieties of everbearing strawberries which we carry in 3.5/4.5-inch pots:
Albion - H: 1ft, W: 2-3ft, Sun: Full, Fruit: Large, bright red, conical berries that are firm and sweet. Ripens in June and a second crop again in late summer, Note: Resistant to anthracnose crown rot, phytophthora crown rot, and verticillium wilt, Zone: 3-9.
Ozark Beauty - H: 1ft, W: 1ft, Sun: Full, Fruit: Sweet, red, and large berries that begin to ripen in June and continue until frost. Note: Self-pollinating and heaviest yielding of the everbearing varieties. Zone: 4-8.
Seascape - H: 1ft, W; 2-3ft, Sun: Full, Fruit: Large, bright red, berries that are deliciously sweet and juicy. Ripens throughout the summer into fall. Note: Self-pollinating, disease resistant, heat tolerant, and can be grown in high densities or containers, Zone: 4-7.
Shipping and delivery of potted plants unavailable. Pickup of potted plants available on farm or at farmers market after May 15th.
Photo Source: Roger Ort, Ort Family Farm
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Address: 2761 Yorski Rd, Bradford, NY 14815
PH: 607-583-2467
Open by appointment year round
Excluding Sales Tax
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