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These are the types of cress we offer in 3.5/4.5 inch pots:


Snowdust (Barbarea verna) - H: up to 12 inches, W: N/A, Sun: Full, Zone: 5-9, Description: Succulent leaves that are green and white with peppery tasty leaves. Uses: Leave and stems are best used in salads, sandwiches and soups. Note: Plants can grow in the field or containers. 


Upland (Barbarea verna) - H: up to 12 inches, W: N/A, Sun: Full, Zone: 5-9, Description: Succulent leaves that are green leaves with a peppery taste. Uses: Leave and stems are best used in salads, sandwiches and soups. Note: Plants can grow in the field or containers. 

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) - H: 6-24 inches, W: N/A, Sun: Full, Zone: 4, Description: Succulent like plant with pungent peppery leaves and white flowers that likes to grow along running water. Uses: Leaves and stems can be used in salad. Very high in vitamin A and C. Note: Prefers to grow along running water but can be cultivated in containers or the garden. Perennial.


Plants are available for pickup and shipping between May 31st and October 31st.

Cress (Barbarea verna & Nasturtium officinale)

Excluding Sales Tax
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